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This studio will explore the ideas of TIME and people as PUBLIC in the design and architecture of a building. The studio will focus on the notion of TIME in Architecture and the City (Neighbourhood): Architecture and the sense of the city/neighbourhood are always imagined in a linear sense of Time often explained as historical growth or development, and justified chronologically. Another notion of Time, i.e. memory, is also often invoked in architectural or urban imagination, but memory is also treated as if suspended in Time or located only in very specific situations. This studio proposes TIME as: material and spatial histories that allows us to see the changing and ephemeral nature of the built world. How do we understand buildings as ephemeral within the world of materials, tectonics, and structure. The second focus of this studio, which flows in a way from the former, is the notion of People as Public and their formal/informal relationship with architecture and urbanity. How do we understand the tenuous and evolving relationship that people have with operations and networks that get orchestrated in architectural propositions within neighbourhoods of the city, and the nation. The sense of nation, the sense of community, the sense of ethnicity, the sense of migration or aspiration of travel shapes people in to PUBLICS. Studio: Exploring form and tectonics within changing time, and changing relations/networks of people - the conditions of contemporaneity. The studio proposes a design process that will involve a discussion on Time and Architecture through questions of form and language, site and contextualizing an architectural idea. The studio will develop a programme and architectural idea discussing the relationship between Public and Architecture – a neighbourhood programme that operates between citizenship and community. The studio proposes the design of a Municipality Office incorporating a Primary School and a People’s Reading Room.

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